Saturday, 17 January 2015

The revolutionary invention of the wheel

Ancient Wheel

From the very early designs used for pottery purposes to the most advanced contraptions known to mankind, the wheel has been continuously driving our civilization like a catalyst in a chemical reaction. It's difficult to imagine our lives without any form of movement. Wheels are one of the most ancient discoveries in all of humankind. However, none of us question how the wheel was actually discovered? 

One may be tempted to think that the wheel is just a humble or even primitive invention compared to some of the fancy gadgets that we have today. Nevertheless, the wheel (specifically as a means of transportation) was actually invented at a relatively late point of human history. The oldest known wheel found in an archaeological excavation is from Mesopotamia, and dates to around 3500 BC. This period was known as the Bronze Age, which is a relatively late chapter in the story of the development of human civilisation. By this time, human beings were already planting crops, herding domesticated animals, and had some form of social hierarchy.

Early wheels were simple wooden disks with a hole for the axle. Because of the structure of wood, a horizontal slice of a tree trunk is not suitable, as it does not have the structural strength to support relevant stresses without failing; rounded pieces of longitudinal boards are required.

The containers that were prepared by the potters were helpful for carrying the essentials; drinking water and nutritious food. There was yet another enhancement by utilising the wheels for moving on the vehicles. The advanced version of these same wheels are now being used by the cars which we use today, for our own convenience.

It's clear that if there was no invention of the wheel, there would be no vehicles. Our roads would have been empty and aeroplanes would not have been able to take to the skies.

As result of the wheel, there has been great development in the field of industrialisation. The different manufacturing factories and companies are a productive outcome of wheels. If the wheel had been a relatively new invention, the inventor would have received worldwide acclaim. Although what we determine to be a simple idea, the concept at that time was truly groundbreaking and ingenius - a concept that has withstood the ultimate test of time.


The wheels were not invented in one go. It is the continuous effort that has reached the success. It is rightly said "Necessity is the mother of Invention".


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